As a full line Sporting Goods Store selling all things Shooting - one wouldn't be surprised to see this sign on our store.
Maybe you would be surprised that we DID receive one phone call expressing their displeasure with our sign, one Google review expressing their displeasure with our sign and two emails expressing their displeasure with our sign. If you believe that our support was incorrect then you have the right to shop somewhere that didn't support our second amendment rights and Donald Trump - I can't imagine where you would find a store that sells Firearms that didn't... Oh wait maybe Walmart. It is our belief that in order to stay in business we needed someone that supported our right to bear arms. It was also our belief that the only choice was Donald Trump to assure our second amendment rights. Of the people that complained about our sign - we have been unable to find any of their names in our system indicating that they had purchased a firearm from us - thank the heavens above we missed that bullet.